So, at this point, my butter lettuce heads have maxed out, one is FINALLY, slowly, bolting. The rest are just chilling. Probably should harvest, might make for a good salad tonight. Besides, I still have some 6 heads left or so. Gave two of them to a friend, but I'm pretty sure they died. One did at least. Might have been aphids, might have been over/under watering. I don't know, I'll take the blame though. So, anyway, ALL of the veggies on the fire escape garden are ready to be harvested, though I'll probably let at least one of everything goto seed. Why pay $3 next year, right? Right.
Now... the satellite garden, aka Johnelle's house. Pops and I tilled the soil over a month ago and planted, if memory serves, Lovage, two tomatoes (sun gold/i forget-I'll be sure to note on my next visit), cilantro, an ancho pepper, beets (which were on their LAST leg after sitting in the 6pack for 2 weeks sans direct sun), bush beans, lemon cucumber, an achillea (yarrow), a salvia 'hot lips' and some basil. I think that's it. For now, at least.
Here's a couple pics of the original work on the first day. Strawberries and nasturtiums were already there from before.

These are from april 13...
First two are the digging, second two are post planting. As you can see there's a decent amount of area, but I as a first timer I was quite hesitant to plant too close. Also, the budget didn't allow for anything extra.. I'll post some more updated ones with the next blog..
Again, I'm pretty everywhere with this post, just trying to make up for lost time, on short time schedule right now. Anywho, all of these were planted into Foxfarm Ocean forest soil after tilling the soil and adding some Pt Reyes Compost company "Bob's Best" composted manure. Used a top mulch of Happy Frog (also foxfarm). While watering was a couple to several times a week, over the span of a couple months I slipped in foxfarm growbig as a boost. I have yet to fertilize anything beyond that, and must say, it's due time. The garden has been planted for well over a month, and I'm sure my babies are hungry. Oh yeah, the pepper/cucumber and tomatos got some extra oyster shell (calcium) mixed into the soil. I need to eat dinner now. I promise it won't be another month before the next blog. You (my only two readers ;) ) know where to find me.