Tuesday, April 20, 2010

part 2

so, anyway, i got sidetracked last night. Had to handle some other business, but I'm back! Where was I? Last year's yield, i believe. Yeah, it was decent. Oh! I know! The crappy ass lettuce!

Yeah, so, the lettuce bolted, flowered, went to seed and fell over and dried up in the trough. I didn't really think much of it until a couple months ago when i went to clean out the weeds from the trough (yes, i left a trough just sitting on my fire escape with no real sign of 'useful' life for over half a year). When i went to pull out the dead lettuce remains it was like playing tug of war. Mind you, with a very weak opponent, but there was some kind of root action going on. Were these weeds... ...lettuce?!? Indeed. Apparently from one lettuce that i let fall over i had what appeared to be a handful of sprouts. I decided to let them grow on for another few weeks, and started watering more regularly-i had always watered the trough at least once a month while watering my other plants out there.. ...never sure why i did it, it just seemed like something i should do...and it paid off-so as not to kill what could potentially be this years harvest.

After a few weeks of my babies bulking up i noticed that these were indeed two different types of lettuce. Both of them fell over and rooted! Score! It was time to dig out the areas and take them inside [yeah, i do my gardening in my living room too, so dirty.. ugh..) to separate. I lined up the biggest of the little guys in a different trough and left the others to continue growing until they were what i considered big enough to transplant safely. Mind you, i really didn't have a great grasp on how big that is, but gardening is trial and error, right?

Long story short, i ended up getting over a dozen heads of lettuce from one plant that bolted. The other lettuce seems to be more bunchy and i don't know that it wants to be divided [seems temperamental], so I've just let it do its own thing. I also managed to continue watering the onions, which i never separated until this year, which are now FAT AS FUH! Pretty fresh.

I know this is probably pretty incoherent but I'm exhausted and can't really figure out what I want to blog about. Just wanted to 'finish up' what i started yesterday. If i missed anything I'll add it in the next entry, which will entail THIS YEAR'S festivities. Pictures (tho not that good) will be included.

Nap time.

Happy planting.

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